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This system works two-ways – the supply of electricity can flow from the grid to which it is connected to the user’s home and from the user’s home to the grid. This feature makes the on-grid solar system affordable and highly useful. The solar panels, installed on the user’s home are ‘tied’ to the grid.

These panels generate electricity when the sun is shining brightly and this electricity is then ‘sent’ to the electrical distribution panel in the home for use. Any surplus power is then, sent back to the grid and this instantly lowers the meter reading of your home. The power charges are only as much as the home uses and in addition, the grid acts as the ‘store’ for the excess power the on-grid solar power system generates.

Let us look at how this system works in a few easy steps:

Step-1: The solar panels convert sunlight into electric energy, which is Direct Current (DC). This current is then sent to an inverter.

Step-2: The inverter converts this DC to Alternating Current (AC) since households are only equipped to use AC. The grid tied inverter additionally regulates the amount and voltage of electricity fed to the household since all the power generated is mostly much more than a home needs or can handle.

Step-3: This ‘converted’ power supply is then used by homes through the main electricity distribution panel. Your home now has access to clean and green electricity, which makes you a contributor towards a cleaner and more sustainable environment.

There could be worries about how the home will receive power when the sun is not shining
– that is the benefit from having the system ‘tied’ to the grid
– your home receives non-stop power irrespective of the weather.

Depending on the size of the system or the amount of usage the consumer may still be using energy from the grid during the day.

Electricity is a finite resource and as the number of users rise, its cost will rise. The cost you incur on installation of this system is usually recovered within a short span of about 3 years since the savings on electricity are huge. We at Solar Start wish to transfer this control and ‘power’ to all by providing the best solar power systems, that are supported by excellence in customer service and in-depth knowledge of our experts.

Please give us a call on the number provided or fill in the enquiry form and you will receive a quick reply from a company representative.


The off-grid solar system is not connected to the power grid but instead the energy produced during the day from the sun’s rays, is stored in batteries. This system is efficient for those homes that cannot have access to the electricity produced by the grid and is therefore completely independent of it. The power stored in the batteries is used by homes at night and at other times when the solar panels are unable to generate as much electricity as is required.
This kind of solar system is normally customized to suit the electricity requirements of the home since there is no standard or typical off-grid system.

Our experts will ensure that the system will be completely tailored to the specific needs of your home and usage and in addition, our off-grid systems are strong and robust and built to withstand the most inclement weather conditions.

Let us explain how this system works in four easy steps:

Step-1: The power hub is where the solar rays are converted to electricity for use or as stored electricity in the batteries. This hub therefore manages the flow of electricity.

Step-2: The batteries are an essential component of this system as they store any excess electricity that is then used when the solar panels are not generating electricity for any reason.

Step-3: You could also opt for the backup generator that will provide the power to recharge the batteries in the event that bad weather or peak demand continues for a while.

Step-4: No changes are required to the present wiring or other appliances in your home as it is possible for this system to combine with the existing system. All your home appliances will operate with the electricity generated.

We at Start Solar provide the best solar power systems that are supported by excellence in customer service and in-depth knowledge of our experts. They will provide the appropriate advice depending on your home electricity needs.

Please give us a call on the number provided or fill in the enquiry form and you will receive a quick reply from a company representative.


The main difference between the hybrid solar system and others is that it has both battery backup and connection to the grid. This system is high on dependability since there is a constant electricity supply to the home. The ability to store the solar electricity in batteries for use at any time, without the need to draw on the electricity generated by the grid greatly reduces electricity costs for the home.

Three easy steps explain how this system works:

Step-1: It works as both the off-grid and on-grid systems – during the day when the sun is shining brightly, the panels convert the rays to electricity and any excess will be stored in the batteries, much like the off-grid systems. However, if even after storing in batteries and using electricity in your home, there is still excess power, the system then sends this excess back to the grid according to the rate of the chosen feed in tariff, similar to the on-grid system.

Step-2: Since the batteries are continually charged during the day, they are able to store enough energy. During times of outages and little or no sunshine, the home can draw its power from these batteries. If however, these adverse situations last for too long, the batteries can be recharged from the grid and your home will only use as much power from the grid as is required to recharge the batteries.

Step-3: Till the batteries are recharged or the grid begins to function as usual, your home will still have an uninterrupted power supply since it will draw power from the grid. This keeps the cost of power down.

We at Start Solar are equipped to provide the very best systems and these are ably supported by excellent customer service and the extensive experience and knowledge of our experts.

Please give us a call on the number provided or fill in the enquiry form and you will receive a quick reply from a company representative.

If you too are tired of struggling with power bills and outages, give us a call or fill out the enquiry form. We will revert immediately with the best and most customized solutions for your home. More power to you!
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